295 research outputs found


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    Innovation Systems constitute an analysis framework which tries to identify the agents, and the interactions produced among them within an innovation system, endowing thus authorities of a tool for the definition of innovation policies. Accordingly, cooperation or interaction related practices become crucial. However, there is a need for the development and implementation of a more sophisticated measures and indicators as regards these interactive patterns, both from a theoretical and a quantitative approach. This papers aims at empirically contributing to highlight the relevance of these interactions. In order to do that, we first start by offering a clear taxonomy of the Spanish regions concerning R&D and innovation activities, to then analyse the extent to which interactions are relevant or not by considering in this case Spain as the unit of analysis between 1995-2002.Innovation Systems, Interactions, Innovation Networks, Measures

    Towards a high performance cellular automata programming skeleton

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    Cellular automata provide an abstract model of parallel computation that can be effectively used for modeling and simulation of complex phenomena and systems. In this paper, we start from a skeleton designed to facilitate faster D-dimensional cellular automata application development. The key for the use of the skeleton is to achieve an efficient implementation, irrespective of the application specific details. In the parallel implementation on a cluster was important to consider issues such as task and data decomposition. With multicore clusters, new problems have emerged. The increasing numbers of cores per node, caches and shared memory inside the nodes, has led to the formation of a new hierarchy of access to processors. In this paper, we described some optimizations to restructuring the prototype code and exposing an abstracted view of the multicore cluster to the high performance CA application developer. The implementation of lattice division functions establishes a partnership relation among parallel processes. We propose that this relation can efficiently map on the multicore cluster communicational topology. We introduce a new mapping strategy that can obtain benefit in the performance by adapting its communication pattern to the hardware affinities among processes allocated in different cores. We apply our approach to a two-dimensional application achieving sensible execution time reduction.Presentado en el X Workshop Procesamiento Distribuido y Paralelo (WPDP)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Performance predictability of divide and conquer skeletons

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    Parallel divide and conquer computations, encompassing a wide variety of applications, can be modeled and encapsulated as a high level primitive called skeleton. The paper deals with a skeleton designed for parallel divide and conquer algorithms that provide hypercubical communications among processes The paper also introduces an accurate timing model designed for prediction of proposed primitive. The timing analysis model presented here still characterizing the communication time through architecture parameters but introduces a few novelties. The proposal is to introduce different kinds of components to the analytical model by associating a performance constant for each specific conceptual block of the skeleton. The trace files obtained from the execution of the resulting code using the skeleton are used by lineal regression techniques giving us, among other information, the values of the parameters of those blocks. An extended example showing the relative accuracy of the proposed approach concludes the paper.Workshop de Procesamiento Distribuido y Paralelo (WPDP)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Parallel cellular programming skeleton

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    Cellular automata provide an abstract model of parallel com- putation that can be effectively used for modeling and simulation of com- plex phenomena and systems. The design and implementation of parallel programming languages based on skeletons simplify the design, test and code of parallel algorithms. We discuss here the main characteristics of cellular automata programming models and we show a cellular automata skeleton for the exploitation on the inherent parallelism of problems of this kind. As a practical example, we show how to solve the problem of heat equation through the skeleton.Presentado en el IX Workshop Procesamiento Distribuido y Paralelo (WPDP)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Towards a high performance cellular automata programming skeleton

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    Cellular automata provide an abstract model of parallel computation that can be effectively used for modeling and simulation of complex phenomena and systems. In this paper, we start from a skeleton designed to facilitate faster D-dimensional cellular automata application development. The key for the use of the skeleton is to achieve an efficient implementation, irrespective of the application specific details. In the parallel implementation on a cluster was important to consider issues such as task and data decomposition. With multicore clusters, new problems have emerged. The increasing numbers of cores per node, caches and shared memory inside the nodes, has led to the formation of a new hierarchy of access to processors. In this paper, we described some optimizations to restructuring the prototype code and exposing an abstracted view of the multicore cluster to the high performance CA application developer. The implementation of lattice division functions establishes a partnership relation among parallel processes. We propose that this relation can efficiently map on the multicore cluster communicational topology. We introduce a new mapping strategy that can obtain benefit in the performance by adapting its communication pattern to the hardware affinities among processes allocated in different cores. We apply our approach to a two-dimensional application achieving sensible execution time reduction.Presentado en el X Workshop Procesamiento Distribuido y Paralelo (WPDP)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    TV Series and Social Media: Powerful Engagement Factors in Mobile Video Games

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    The free-to-play business model has become hegemonic in the mobile video game industry, displacing the traditional paid content model that was the norm until the appearance of manufacturers’ app stores. Companies attempt to monetize these games by means of in-game micro-transactions and in-game advertising; thus, it is essential to acquire an enormous number of users because only a small percentage will ultimately make any purchases. To keep players engaged, companies typically put in place marketing and design strategies derived from behavioral telemetry, to maintain a grip on players. We propose an innovative approach, focusing our attention on the impact of having a video game based on a famous TV series. Furthermore, we analyze the effect of social networks on game metrics. The outcome indicates that developing a game based on a TV series and integrating social media with the gameplay improve and reinforce the user’s activation, retention and monetization

    DataCare: Big Data Analytics Solution for Intelligent Healthcare Management

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    This paper presents DataCare, a solution for intelligent healthcare management. This product is able not only to retrieve and aggregate data from different key performance indicators in healthcare centers, but also to estimate future values for these key performance indicators and, as a result, fire early alerts when undesirable values are about to occur or provide recommendations to improve the quality of service. DataCare’s core processes are built over a free and open-source cross-platform document-oriented database (MongoDB), and Apache Spark, an open-source cluster-computing framework. This architecture ensures high scalability capable of processing very high data volumes coming at fast speed from a large set of sources. This article describes the architecture designed for this project and the results obtained after conducting a pilot in a healthcare center. Useful conclusions have been drawn regarding how key performance indicators change based on different situations, and how they affect patients’ satisfaction

    Skeletal parallel programming

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    In the last time the high-performance programming community has worked to look for new templates or skeletons for several parallel programming paradigms. This new form of programming allows to programmer to reduce the time of development, since it saves time in the phase of design, testing and codification. We are concerned in some issues of skeletons that are fundamental to the definition of any skeletal parallel programming system. This paper present commentaries about these issues in the context of three types of D&C skeletons.Eje: Procesamiento Concurrente, Paralelo y DistribuidoRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI


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    La presente publicación, resultado del Proyecto CESAR (Contribución de la Educación Superior de América Latina a las Relaciones con el Entorno Socioeconómico), representa una recopilación de los estudios realizados en cada uno de los países de América Latina participantes (Colombia, México, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Bolivia y Brasil), sobre los sistemas de innovación y las Instituciones de Educación Superior (IES) socias del proyecto en dicha región. El desarrollo de estos estudios nos ha permitido plasmar la situación del entorno socioeconómico en cada uno de estos países así como las características de los agentes del entorno productivo y las IES. Con la elaboración de este libro se cumple, por tanto, con un doble objetivo: el análisis de los Sistemas de Innovación y sus agentes, por un lado, y la situación particular de cada una de las IES socias, por otro. Para alcanzar estos objetivos se han analizado las capacidades y necesidades del sector productivo así como las políticas públicas existentes en cada país. Este análisis ha proporcionado a las IES una base objetiva de conocimiento sobre su entorno socioeconómico y de su potencial. Por otro lado, se ha llevado a cabo un estudio sobre los recursos, instrumentos y estrategias para establecer mecanismos de vinculación Universidad-Empresa en cada una de las IES participantes. Con todo ello se presenta un resultado valioso para comprender el papel de las IES en los Sistemas de Innovación de América Latina, lo que servirá de herramienta para la mejora y modernización de las universidades como mecanismo para el desarrollo económico y social de estos paísesJiménez Saez, F. (2012). EL PAPEL DE LAS INSTITUCIONES DE EDUCACIÓN SUPERIOR EN LOS SISTEMAS DE INNOVACIÓN LATINOAMERICANOS. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/72480EDITORIA

    Sobre la termoelasticidad de materiales simples

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    En esta memoria se estudian diferentes problemas dinámicos relacionados con la termomecánica racional. En el primer capitulo se hace un breve repaso a los distintos tipos de problemas a estudiar y de las herramientas a utilizar, que son básicamente la teoría de semigrupos de operadores lineales.En el segundo capítulo se estudian las ecuaciones para el problema incremental para la termoelasticidad de materials que ocupan una región no acotada del espacio.Las teorías incrementales son linealizaciones de las ecuaciones de evolución en el caso en que el estado primario esta pretensionado. Para este problema se obtienen resultados de existencia, unicidad y dependencia continua respecto de parámetros iniciales. Estos resultados son validos bajo la hipótesis de que el tensor de elasticidades es fuertemente elíptico que es más débil que la usual de asumir que dicho tensor RD definido positivo. En el apéndice a este capitulo se analizan algunos ejemplos donde la hipótesis de elipticidad se satisface pero la de positividad No.En el siguiente capitulo se analiza el problema incremental para materiales porosos. Los materiales porosos están compuestos por un esqueleto elástico y por intersticios vacíos. Para este tipo de sólidos la densidad se puede descomponer como producto de dos campos escalares: y, que depende únicamente de la naturaleza del material, y la fracción volumica, v, que depende de la geometría de los poros. Los resultados obtenidos son de unicidad de soluciones para condiciones de frontera generales y de existencia para condiciones de frontera homogéneas.En los dos últimos capítulos se consideran teorías viscoelasticas que estudian el problema en que el material presenta mecanismos de disipación debidos a sus estados pasados. Esta dependencia en los estados pasados se refleja matemáticamente en las ecuaciones constitutivas del material que pasan a ser funcionales de la historia de las variables independiente